Dead Stop
The desert is a harsh environment. Temperatures climb over 100 degrees Fahrenheit during the day, hot enough to stop a man in his tracks, and then plummet to below zero degrees Fahrenheit at night, freezing him to death. It's teeming with untamed and dangerous wildlife. You don't want to get lost here. Todd and Josh, together with their friends, have unfortunately done just that. The group of teenagers and the two hitchhikers they've picked up on their way to a ski trip have taken a wrong turn and are now miles from civilisation. Snakes, scorpions, coyotes, spiders, and other desert creatures are reported to be more scared of humans than humans are of them. However, these people have reason to be more than afraid in this circumstance. There is one wild species that does not fear man in this specific stretch of the California desert. A huge, ferocious beast with a voracious appetite for their flesh. It has a powerful presence. It has a primitive feel to it. It doesn't stop. It's also famished.
Duration: N/A