Chowder is an American animated television series created by C.H. Greenblatt to get Cartoon Network. The series follows an aspiring young chef named Chowder along with his experiences within an apprentice in Mung Daal's catering company. Although he means well, Chowder finds himself predicaments for being a scatterbrain as a result of his nature along with his perpetual appetite. He is also pestered by Panini, the apprentice of Mung's rival Endive, that wants Chowder to function as"boyfriend", he abhors. The series is revived with both classic animation as well as shortstop motion puppet strings which are inter-cut into the episodes, also then that run over the end credits.
Chowder premiered on November 2, 2007, also ran for three seasons together with 49 total episodes. It garnered two additional Emmy Award nominations, six Annie Award nominations, along with one Primetime Emmy Award win during its conduct. The series finale,"Chowder Grows Up", aired on August 7, 2010, also comprises C.H. Greenblatt as the voice of this mature Chowder.