Exposure is really a short film oriented sciencefiction anthology series that aired on the scifi Channel between the years of 2002 and 2000. The series showcased both famous and unknown filmmakers' brief scifi films, giving rise to the channel Exposure Studios. Directed by celebrity Lisa Marie, the films presented a range of science fiction subject material. The series received poor ratings and was canceled at the autumn of 2002. The series was initially shown on Saturdays at 10:00pm EST and has been repeated the following Saturday at 2:00am EST, later on the period was changed to 11:00pm EST and repeated these Saturday well after mid night, that probably is a significant reason behind the poor ratings this series received. The series also had two guest hosts. Terry Farrell will host the"Best of Season One" event and director Kevin Smith hosted the"Starwars Short Films Showcase".
The scifi Channel had struck a deal with AtomFilms that gave them some of Atom Movies' new science fiction acquisitions' broadcast rights, in addition to all science fiction films for degradation, in their library.