The Beverly Hillbillies
The Beverly Hillbillies is a American situation comedy originally Aired for 2 seasons on CBS in 1962 to 1971, starring Buddy Ebsen, Irene Ryan, Donna Douglas, and Max Baer, Jr..
The series is all about a poor backwoods family transplanted to Beverly Hills, California, after striking oil onto his or her land. A Filmways production made by writer Paul Henning, it is the first in a genre of"fish out of water" themed shows, and has been followed with other Henning-inspired country-cousin series on CBS. Back in 1963, Petticoat Junction was introduced by Henning, and he reversed the rags to wealth model. The way was paved by the series for after programs such as McCloud, The Jeffersons, The Nanny, The Prince of Belair, and Doc. Panned by entertainment critics of its time, it became a massive ratings success for almost all of its own operate on CBS.
The Beverly Hillbillies ranked among the top twenty most watched programs on tv with a number, for all its nine seasons, with twice standing since the number one set of the year.
The ongoing popularity of the series spawned a 1993 film remake.
Released: 1962-09-26
Genre: Comedy
Duration: 30
Country: United States of America